Gabriella Pérez
"The passionate Anita, brilliantly portrayed by Gabriella Perez, is in a class all her own. Her ability as an actor and vocalist brings to the stage the anger as well as the compassion of a hormone-fueled Anita, ready to erupt at any moment. Her delivery of the sardonic hymn “America” is priceless..."
-- J. A. Di Bello
hometown rochester, ny
did you know? i was the catcher on my softball team
best place ever dingle, ireland
can't put it down historical fiction
on the Victrola Albert King or Aretha Franklin
craving marble cheesecake
what's on my kitchen table fresh sunflowers
if i could have lunch with anybody, it would be my great-grandmother, a Ziegfeld Follies girl
if i were an animal, i'd be a Cat
if i could only drink one thing forever, it would be a Cappucino
if i could go anywhere in the world, i would drive across italy's chianti region
if i had a superpower, it would be Teleportation
“Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”
― Guillaume Apollinaire